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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hi, I'm making an army for a tabletop wargame (if this is a familiar concept to anyone, it's at the 28mm scale) and I want one of the special character figures to be the transport craft from the 1997 game Riven, officially called a 'Maglev'. I'll have to combine elements from different existing models/figures, but the front section/cockpit will need to be taken from a model helicopter, at least I think so. From initial searches, the Bell 47J is a close match, but a) the Bell's cockpit is a little wider than the shape of the 'Maglev' and b) I'm struggling to find models of the Bell 47J which would work correctly at this scale (I think the cockpit/front body of the machine will need to be roughly 50mmx35mm, lengthxwidth). For extra clarification, this Maglev is, in the video game and in this tabletop wargame, only meant to hold one person, sitting in the centre of the cockpit - so... somewhat small I guess. I'll continue my search, but I thought I'd post here as an actual helicopter enthusiast would probably instantly think of a few matches, based on the image of the Maglev I've attached (I've added a white circle to indicate which part of the model would need to be made from a helicopter). Many thanks for any help here, Mat EDIT: Sorry guys, this thread could now be deleted. I checked with another vehicle modelling forum and they've pointed me in the right direction for comparable kits to try out there.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I completed Army Flight School early 1968. I arrived in Vietnam in time for the Tet invasion of 1968. I flew 1,955 combat hours in Vietnam and was shot down five times during the 18 months I was there; safely autorotating into hot LZ rice paddies or jungle environments. I was qualified to fly virtually every model of UH-1 A/B/C/D/ and H (I flew the D model on arrival, quickly replaced by the H - I also flew the "C" model gunship). We were taught by the finest Vietnam combat pilots during our flight training stateside. I learned how to autorotate a UH-1 helicopter in every orientation possible short of upside down. EVERY autorotation was all the way to the ground...something NOT taught to today's helicopter pilots which, in my opinion, is a terminally stupid thing to do. "Simulations" will never replace actual experience. The Bell UH-1H (Bell 205) was an autorotation monster - meaning it was safe and always 100% controllable in every orientation (I loved "Spot" autorotations - fantastic fun and quite the super fast elevator ride!). On a mission in Vietnam, I was asked by my copilot if vertical autorotations were possible? I took us up to 5,000 feet and confirmed hover with all crew members. I then dropped the collective, split the needles and down we went - a 100% absolutely safe and controllable vertical descent to 2,000' at which I simply pushed the cyclic slightly forward and recovered collective. I have safely performed 'Hammerhead Stalls" (cyclic climbs) numerous times (a vertical climb "nearly" straight up and tight pivoting turn at the top with vertical descent). I say "nearly" as it's the disc that flies and while it appears "straight" up we're actually shy of that attitude. I use off-power pedal to spin us around just short of stalling and carefully pull in cyclic to regain level flight while ensuring airspeed remains below VNE - a very "showy" maneuver. NEVER lower the collective at any time - the rotor system must always have positive G throughout. I can personally attest to the fact that a UH-1H will in fact turn tightly at MORE than 90° of bank - especially if the pilot (me) has just been lit up by enemy radar-guided anti-aircraft fire due to a flight leader's navigation error! I could go on, but I believe I've made my point. The Bell UH-1H helicopter is a fantastically capable machine and in "TRAINED" hands is a joy to fly!

Monday, July 15, 2024

I think i saw a guy called Muncho posted a Bell 47 heater for sale. Here is his email juniormuncho@gmail.com

Thursday, July 11, 2024

First things first... Don't self eliminate. Apply, take the physical, and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. Now with that said, as an Army veteran and current airline pilot who is your age: don't do it. Don't walk away from a great airline career to spend 11+ years in the Army in this day and age. The "meaning" you are looking for isn't there, and you are in for a culture shock. If you absolutely must fly something green, do it in the Guard. I mean seriously that's the best option for you with your current age and life experience. But I'm just some guy on the internet who is probably in a very different place in life than you. So take that for what it's worth.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I'm just a dumb pilot who doesn't fly helicopters anymore but based on that fuel cloud I'd guess the igniter could be your problem. I hear it, but that doesn't mean it's giving you a good spark.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I have included a video of the start up, although I get a small rise and TOT she will not light off . It started to become erratic on startups six months ago and replaced a fuel pump after it would not start and it seemed to be OK but still a bit erratic on starting after about 10 flights she would not start again fuel pump again was replaced the next day it would not start again. They originally changed the fuel control unit, but that did not help ! It does not seem to be very steady as I add fuel. It’s somewhat erratic in the TOT jumps. It’s almost like something is sticking. I’m wondering if a bleed valve or some spring in the fuel control unit could be hanging up. Has anyone experienced something like this? IMG_9597.mov MOV_9590.mp4

Friday, July 5, 2024

Hello all, Years ago, I wanted to fly helicopters in the army but became discouraged after learning that I have exzema. I remember recruiters telling me that it was disqualifying and they didn’t seem to want to work with me on any waivers, as they kind of gave me the impression that I had a very very slim chance at getting in with that. Needless to say I was discouraged and never tried. I was really young, naive, and didn’t do enough research and basically took “no” for an answer at that time. I didn’t look around and ask people who were in the army as WO’s on how they did it, and how to navigate the process and who to talk to, as well as who to ignore. The FAA thankfully is very forgiving with something like eczema and had no problem with it. I pursued a civilian flying career, flight instructed for about 2100 hours, then went to the regional airlines. Before I headed off to the regionals I taught army fixed wing pilots as a contractor in Dothan, AL. This was where I got much more of a glimpse into army aviation. Met some great people. Had a blast teaching the students in the grob. The airlines overall have been good to me, it’s not a bad place, and it’s great money overall (for now, we’ll see how much longer they keep paying as much as they are). There’s also downsides and a few gripes I have about it just like any job, but overall it’s a great job. I am very close to upgrading to captain. However, the deeper into my airline career that I get, the more I realize I am not driven by money. The money is great for sure, especially at the regional I’m at. But money isn’t everything I’ve learned. I’ve been looking for something more. I still have that itch to give it a try for Army WOFT, put in a packet and if the army tells me no, then at least I will know and never have any regrets from never trying. The other thing that is on my mind, is that I am 35 years old. I understand the cutoff is 33 for AD, and that the army does take age waivers. From what I understand based on the research I’ve done, is that age waivers are a little bit more difficult to come by for AD as opposed to ARNG. I’m not really interested in going guard. I have heard of some people getting in past the cutoff, but didn’t know how common it is. Also, regarding the issue with eczema, I would say I have light to mild eczema. It’s on the tops of my hands only. It goes away in the summer when the air is warm and moist, however, as soon as the temperature drops in the winter, it flares up. I initially required a prescription medication (cream) when I first broke out with it in 2012. It was really bad then for some reason, but ever since I applied the prescription cream on it, it went away and the flare ups haven’t been anywhere near as bad since then. Even with using over the counter creams, it’s definitely controllable. I only use creams maybe twice a month for the most part during the winter when it’s cold and dry. Sometimes it does bother me, and sometimes I do find myself itching it until I’m able to get access to the cream, but it’s bearable 99% of the time. I had also heard that there is a rare possibility that I could get a massive breakout from the smallpox vaccine and then the flare up would spread all over my body. Can’t remember when or where I read that but it was from a medical journal or something equivalent. Have you guys ever heard of this happening to someone? Let’s say theoretically, I were to apply, with a medical and age waiver of course, and I was selected. The only issue I would have in the army is during field training exercises and during sere school out in the bush. As I said previously, it’s definitely bearable the vast majority of the times, but during rare moments when it’s nagging at me, it does have me scratching at it for relief. It’s never affect my flying either. It’s mainly when I’m outdoors. Have you guys heard of people getting picked up with light to mild exzema? As well as pushing past age 35? I’m also curious to know how many airline pilots that apply and are selected for WOFT. Looking for insights and guidance. Thanks to all in advance!

Friday, July 5, 2024

I am sorry for interrupting…could anyone give me some information about this aircraft from the attached documents? One of those documents states that it is in non-airworthy condition. But it is very difficult for me to inspect. It is a 1996 AS350-B2 and that is why I am trying to get some information from this group, due to all the knowledge you have shared. When Due AS350B2 N896WD.pdf

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hello, Our 17 year old nephew has decided to forego attending college an instead to apply for WOFT. I am in the process of reviewing his second draft " Why I want to be an Army Aviator" and found this site . Although both of our daughters served/ are serving, no experience with Army Aviation, WOFT etc. so I figured I would reach out this group. Here is some basic information about the nephew - High School Graduate - Finished with an 89.5 GPA - 4 years of Math, Science, English, 2 years of aerospace engineering. SAT - Math 690 Grammar 650 ASVAB - 96/99 SIFT - TBD - takes the exam on July 12 GT Score - 131/140 Outside Activities - Civil Air Patrol - 1 year - Holds the rank of Cadet Technical Sergeant, received Cadet of the Year Award. Hasn't had an easy life which has required him to overcome a lot of obstacles. He realizes that being selected is a stretch, and if this doesn't happen, will select an Aviation MOS and enlist and try again. Here is the essay, feedback appreciated. Why I want to be an Army Warrant Officer Aviator My desire to become an Army Warrant Officer Aviator a devotion to our country, interest in aviation, mechanics, and aspiration to accelerate my life experiences as an aviator, leader and technical expert in the U.S. Army. Specifically, I have identified 4 areas that will enable me to support the Army Aviation mission. 1. Aviation Technical Expert - I developed a passion for aviation in the 10th grade, and for the remainder of my time in high school I have made a solid effort to advance my knowledge by taking Aerospace Engineering classes and I joined Civil Air Patrol. I have started the process of preparing to take FAA Ground school exam which will expand my knowledge and provide a fundamental understanding and ability to function as an Army Aviation technical resource. My goal would be to maintain a high level of humility and be the guy that others turn to when they have a problem that needs to be solved. 2. Gain real life technical aviation expertise that will benefit the Army - I was fortunate to have been accepted to Purdue University (ranked #5) and 4 other well-known Universities that offer Aerospace Engineering. I have decided to forego college and gain real life experience as an Army Warrant Officer Aviator. Although I just graduated from high school, I believe that the skills I have acquired so far in mathematics and engineering will allow me to bring value to my fellow soldiers in the classroom, on the flight line and in the air. During this past school year, I a member of technical team with the ultimate goal of building a model rocket capable of exceeding 10,000-foot ceiling. There we lots of technical challenges along with team members who lacked the motivation to solve the challenges. I took the initiative to do additional research, led by example and was asked to take over as leader of the team which resulted completing the build on time and a successful launch. I believe that I have the ability to bring forth technical expertise that will enhance my unit’s ability to execute any mission which they are asked to perform. 3. Driven to Succeed - I have had several challenges placed upon me as I was growing up, for many it would have negatively impacted their ability to move beyond and willingly develop a “victim” mentality. My tests include losing my mother at 15 months old, father was incarcerated at 15 years old, placed in foster care, move from NH to Texas to live with my aunt and uncle who I barely knew prior to my senior year of high school. Specifically, my high school years could have been a disaster, instead I focused on what I could control. My academic performance improved over the 4 years and achieved a 95 GPA as a senior. When I moved to Texas, for the first time in my life I was encouraged to join an outside organization and chose Civil Air Patrol. Most of my fellow cadets have been members for several years, and I quickly demonstrated my drive, team work and leadership abilities, which led to rapid promotion and being selected Flight Cadet of the Year. I have the confidence and ambition to be selected as a Warrant Officer Aviator Candidate. 4. Develop Leadership Skills - I have seven older cousins (all girls) and two of them decided on military service, both are commissioned Army officers. Their leadership presence, quiet confidence, commitment to service has given them a significant advantage in life well above that of the 5 who chose not to serve. I have had several leadership roles in the workplace and in the classroom, and have received positive feedback from both my peers and leaders. Leading is a privilege, and I hope that what I will learn as a CWO will help me become an inspirational leader that will motivate my team to exceed expectations. I hope my decision to serve will inspire my brother, younger cousins, other early career peers to look beyond where they are today and make good choices to give back to their country.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

I was searching for something else and stumbled on this thread. Since I found it interesting, I figured I would resurrect it. Apologies if someone restarted it fresh somewhere else. I have always been dissatisfied with the civilian RFM Section 4, as in seriously unhappy with it compared to the performance charts for Army helicopters. Unfortunately for me, the 407 is too much of a different animal from the OH-58D, the DNA is similar but those charts do not translate. And not all of us can have a 407GX or 407HP. For those of you unfamiliar, the 407GX avionics will calculate your power requirement for the conditions and the 407HP doesn't care. Out here in the southwestern US, we pretty much operate in a high DA flight envelope. At the beginning of my shift, I do my general performance planning for the day to include all of the usual suspects (those places I regularly fly to), then again for each specific flight. This is similar to what I was taught in the military for performance planning (max conditions, current conditions, departure, arrival). In the civilian world, the RFM only tells me how much I can weigh for that condition, but there is no way to tell if I weigh what I think I do. That is the advantage of the military "RFM" performance charts. If I wasn't at or below that GO/NO-GO torque in the hover, then I knew something was off and I had to figure it out. Single-engine power charts ensure performance for a "minimum-spec" engine, which means an engine that passes the power check at +0. HOGE charts ensure that minimum spec engine will lift that weight in those conditons. That is part of the certifying process prior to issuing a type certificate for the aircraft, and also bears out in my own experience. If Section 4 said I could do it in a bird that barely passed a power check and there were no surprises, the aircraft did it. But there is a difference between hoping/trusting it will do it because the RFM said so and knowing it will do it. And that is the difference I am/we are talking about with the military performance planning. Since I wasn't handed the type of RFM that I wanted, I had to figure it out on my own by digging into all the manuals. What I came up with is a GO/NO-GO for the power limitation in the 407. It sounds very similar to the technique the R22/R44 pilots were describing. When I pick up to an IGE hover, if the 407 MGT is at or below 720C, I have HOGE power. I can note the torque, add 14% (high-skid gear), and pull to the torque setting and not exceed my MGT takeoff power limitation. The closer I am to that NO-GO, the more deliberate I need to be with that pull. I can't always yank an armful as if it was a Black Hawk. Also, if I pick up to an IGE hover and the MGT is above 720C but below 740C, I have IGE power which allows an Army "VMC Takeoff", or even "Instrument Takeoff". Note the torque, add 9%, pull to the target and execute your maneuver of choice. Now, there is a lot to the technique for landing off-airport. There are wind-drift circles, orbits, planning approaches, etc. However, the GO/NO-GO works the same on the approach to a pinnacle (elevated helipad) or confined area (scene LZ). As the aircraft slows to ETL, I check the MGT reading. If it is below 720C, my planning was correct and I have HOGE power. I continue the approach. If it is at or above 720C, I don't have HOGE, execute a go-around and reevaluate. Since I did the planning, it is just a reinforced version of, "Never arrive somewhere you haven't already been." In the cooler weather when I am not MGT limited or when I know I can be at Max Gross Weight, I just transition to torque (TQ%) and the corresponding numbers are 86% for HOGE and 91% for HIGE. This is just my generic GO/NO-GO for the 407. My specific technique is slightly more refined, since I can generally calculate a predicted hover torque and MGT for the IGE hover.